Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), a Navratna Central Public Sector Undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 20 Production / Overhaul / Service Divisions and 11 co-located R&D Centres spread across the Country. HAL's spectrum of expertise encompasses hi-tech programmes involving a number of state-of-the-art technology, design, development, manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and structural components for Satellites & Launch Vehicles. 2. Applications are invited from eligible Persons in the prescribed proforma for the following posts in Non-Executive cadre for Helicopter Division and Aerospace Composite Division located in Bangalore (Karnataka). All these posts are to be filled under Tenure Basis (Contract Basis) for a period of 4 years. The tenure will come to an end automatically on completion of four year...